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Why Everyone Hate Annabelle ( you should too! )

Most of us heared about Annabelle,the evil doll featured in the movie 'The Conjuring '. But most of us belived that it is a created story for an horror movie. But reality is just opposite. 'The Conjuring ' is based on a true story.

In 1970 , a mother purchased a second hand antique Raggedy Ann doll from a hobby store as a birthday gift for her daughter named Donna. Raggedy Ann is a character created by American writer Johnny Gruelle that appeared in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair and has a triangle nose. 

Annabelle's real appearance is really diffrent from the doll in the movie. The doll in the movie is created by the director of the movie James Wan for horror and evil look.

Donna was a college student at that time and living with her friend named Angie in a tiny apartment. Donna placed the doll on her bed as a decoration. At first neither thought the doll was anything special. But within days both Donna and Angie noticed that there is something strange and creepy about the doll. The doll stared to move as its own. Relatively small movement at first, but as time passed it became more and more strange. The girls would leave the apartment with Annabelle on the couch for college and return home to find it on the bed with locked doors.

After a month both Donna and Angie began to find messages from that doll on parchment paper that read ' Help us ' and ' Help Lou '. It was a hand writing of a small child.

One night when Donna returned home and noticed that the doll had moved again. This time it was on her bed. She sensed that something wasn't right.when she inspected the doll and saw blood on back of its chest. This time Donna and Angie decided to seek expert advice. 

They decided to conduct seance. Seance is an attempt to communicate with spirits. In seance there will be a person who act as the medium. Spirit will speak through that person in its own sound. The person who act as the medium between the girls and the doll began to speak in a child voice. And tell her name as Annabelle Higgin. Annabelle Higgin was a young girl lived on the property before the apartment were build. That were happy times for her. But one day Annabelle had been found dead in that property.  Her spirit remained in the property. When the doll came to the house Annabelle latched on to it. Annabelle found Donna and Angie was trustworthy and she wanted to stay with them and to be loved .she also said that she feel safe with them. Feeling compassion for Annabelle and her sad story Donna give her permission to stay in that doll and stay with them.

Lou was a great friend of both Donna and Angie. Lou warned them several times about the doll and the evil in it. But because of the feeling towards Annabelle and her sad story Donna didn't give much attention to Lou's words. But it was a huge mistake. 

One day Lou awake from sleep and in panic. He saw a really bad and creepy dream. He looked around the room but can't find anything extraordinary. But when he looked towards his feet he saw Annabelle. It climbed to his leg and moved towards his chest and stopped. And closing her stuffed hands around his neck,choking him out. Somehow he managed to get out of it and ran for life.

A few days later Donna was not at home, Lou and Angie were planning about a road trip on coach at the guest room.  They heared a really creepy sound of movement from upstairs Donna's room.  Both Lou and Angie became frightened. Somehow Lou managed to build some courage and opened the door and the sound stopped at the same movement. He saw Annabelle was off the bed and sitting at the corner of the room. When he move towards Annabelle, Lou feel a burning sensation on the back of his head like someone was staring at him. He looked around but nobody was there. He feel a sudden pain on his chest. He looked in his shirt and find a series of raking claw marks. It really burns. He belive it was done by Annabelle. But the claw marks heals immediately. Both Lou and Angie totally gone in two days. They decided to call a Episcopalian priest.  But the priest recommended Ed and Lorraine warren, the famous paranormal investigators. 

In a short time warrens came to their conclusion that there were no ghost in this case and it was a inhuman spirit-a demon-attached to the doll. But they warned that the doll wasn't possessed. Demon don't possess things ,only people. It was clinging to the doll,  manipulating it , in order to give the impression of a haunting. The target was really Donna's soul.

Father cooke, a well known priest of that time performed exorcism on the apartment and warrens took the possession of the doll. Donna requested Ed warrens to take the doll with them. Warrens put Annabelle in a bag and drive home. Ed stay off  from highways because he was concern that the devil demon may suck his car. But he faced some troubles on the way. Power steering kept failing, break fails. Ed opened the doll bag and sprinkled some holywater and put a cross in to the bag and disturbances stopped. 

At warrens home Annabelle started her old tricks,she started to appear in different rooms. Warrens worried that its power came back. He called Father Jason Bradford, a Catholic priest for exorcise Annabelle. The priest didn't take it seriously and he telling Annabelle  "you are just a doll, you can't hurt anyone " and throw Annabelle to the chair. A huge mistake. On his way back home priest's car break failed and ended up in a horrible accident. But he survived. 

Warrens build a locked case for Annabelle inside warren's occult museum and placed a holy cross  on the top of the case. Where Annabelle resides to this day. Since Annabelle no longer appeared to move.

But Annabelle is responsible for the death of a young man who came to the museum with his girlfriend on a vintage motorcycle. After hearing the evil story of Annabelle and the demon in it from Ed, the young man began to bang on the Annabelle 's locked case insisting that if a silly doll can injured people then he also wanted to be injured by the doll. Ed advise him to stay no longer and put him out of the museum building.

On the way back to home the young man and his girlfriend were laughing and making fun on the doll. But suddenly he lost his control over the motorcycle and ended up in an accident. The young man killed instantly. But his girlfriend survived with some really bad injuries. 

Thanks for reading....stay tuned for more exciting topics. And Annabelle also want to thank you.  Take care. God bless


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